The Boston Herald newspaper to come up with a word describing someone who illegally drank alcohol during the period of US prohibition (1920-1933), two people came up with the combination of "scoff " (to speak to someone or about something in a scornfully derisive or mocking way) and "law".
The mere fact that they needed a word to describe the many people who were drinking four years after the 18th Amendment went into effect says something about the Noble Experiment called prohibition. It was the first time in the history of the country that an amendment to the constitution actually limited personal freedoms rather than guaranteeing them.
Europe was quick to honor those in the US still drinking. Harry's New York Bar in Paris came up with a new drink (purportedly by a bartender named Jock). I think it's fitting to have this drink today, for tomorrow is the anniversary of the ratification of the 21st Amendment, which repealed the 18th and ended prohibition.
The Historical Inebriant: The Scofflaw Cocktail
2 oz Bourbon or rye whiskey
1 oz Dry vermouth
.25 oz Fresh lemon juice
.5 oz Grenadine
2 dashes Orange bitters
Add all ingredients to a shaker and fill with ice. Shake, & strain into a chilled cocktail glass.
The article where this drink originates is an interesting one if you want to visit.
Also, as we remember the final day of prohibition take a quick look here:
What To Drink While Watching A PBS Doc About Prohibition: The Scofflaw
In my own home state of Connecticut:
"Repeal Day" Parties Celebrate Anniversary of Prohibition's End
The point is, as Americans, we all have a duty to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.
If you have not yet seen Ken Burns documentary on the Great Experiment please do.
You can visit the site here, but please see it in it's entirety.
So, what about tomorrow - which is Repeal Day. How will you celebrate the day and exercise your 21st Amendment rights? Occupy a bar, have a quiet beer at home, attend a Repeal Day party?
If you live in the DC area - you will want to check this out:
For Repeal Day, party like it’s 1933
San Francisco:
5¢ Beer Day: 1930s “Repeal Day” Prohibition Party
You can visit the site here, but please see it in it's entirety.
So, what about tomorrow - which is Repeal Day. How will you celebrate the day and exercise your 21st Amendment rights? Occupy a bar, have a quiet beer at home, attend a Repeal Day party?
If you live in the DC area - you will want to check this out:
For Repeal Day, party like it’s 1933
San Francisco:
5¢ Beer Day: 1930s “Repeal Day” Prohibition Party
In my own home state of Connecticut:
"Repeal Day" Parties Celebrate Anniversary of Prohibition's End
Please take a moment to visit Repeal Day.Org created by Jeffrey Morgenthaler, it's a great site with links to his excellent blog and well worth the trip - for as Jeffrey says:

I propose that December 5th should be a national holiday celebrated by Beer for Breakfast*.
That is what I will be doing tomorrow. I hope to see you on a bar stool near me soon!
*While prohibition ended in 1933, it would be years until distilled spirits would be available.
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