On this day in 1880, Thomas Edison was granted a patent for his incandescent light.
He then went on to develop the entire system needed to light our homes, towns, cities.
He perfected fuse boxes, underground conductive cables and generators. He also built
the world's first electric light power plant in New York City. Noble inventions and
achievements all. But something about the shedding of light on certain subjects worried me.
I pondered the life of the young lovers of that age, or more precisely, the young who wished
to be lovers. I imagined that the time before the light bulb was a pleasant one for them.
I know that I look much better in the soft glow of candlelight, and from various angles I look
much better in no light at all. What a shock to the youth who now had to court one another
under the harsh glare of an artificial light that constantly penetrated the soft rich tones of the
living room or parlor room. How unnatural those first lamps must have made
everything and everyone look. How difficult some of those first dates must have been,
especially during those short days-long winter nights.
I believe it even effected the marriage and population rates of the time. In the following chart,
a near flat line of population growth in the years 1880-1890 is apparent, with growth picking
up again in 1891. Possibly due to advancements in over the counter make up.
- 1 oz. Gin
- 1 oz. Cherry Brandy
- 1 oz. Vermouth (Dry)
Pour all ingredients into a shaker with ice.
Shake and strain into a chilled martini glass.

Bring on the weekend
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